Curriculum Overview
Curriculum Offer
At Illogan School our curriculum encompasses not only the formal requirements of the National Curriculum but goes beyond this to ensure that our children have a rich variety of cultural opportunities. We have devised a curriculum which is based on 6 key drivers. Although each of these drivers is explored individually there are strong links between them.

Community![]() |
We have designed our curriculum to explore how a knowledge of the history, geography, culture and people within our community can enrich the learning experiences for our pupils. We aim to increase the children’s understanding of the place they live in and further embed the school within the community. For example, pupils will learn about their village through walking tours, visits to community areas and inviting local organisations and people from within the community into the school to lead workshops. |
Illogan School is co-located with the primary phase of Curnow School (a special school). We are two schools, one community. It is fundamental that our curriculum teaches children to be kind and respectful, to be confident as individuals and supports them to feel safe and happy at all times. The principles of inclusion are firmly rooted within our daily practice and taught within our curriculum. |
Communication |
Our curriculum prioritises the teaching of reading and enabling pupils to be effective communicators orally and in writing. Reading is high priority within the school, not only developing the core phonic, decoding and comprehension skills but also developing a lifelong love of reading. We create opportunities for children to express themselves clearly orally and through writing at length for different audiences and purposes. We enable pupils to develop opinions and teach them to express this appropriately and confidently. Our curriculum aims to prepare pupils well for their next stage of learning and beyond. |
Teaching and learning within each subject discipline is based on an enquiry approach. Children have the opportunity to build knowledge and skills over a unit of work, enabling them to answer an overarching question at the end of the unit. Learning is designed to encourage pupils to ask questions and embed a thirst for learning. Children develop the skills they need to be critical thinkers. |
Our curriculum enables children to think about their futures and the legacy they wish to leave behind, by encouraging them to take on responsibility and impact positively on their community (locally and the global community). Children are taught to have respect for themselves, others and the environment, acting with integrity and having the strength of character to do the right thing even when that may be more difficult. |
From an understanding of our local community, the curriculum further develops this to consider other communities within the United Kingdom and worldwide. We enable pupils to understand the interconnectivity of communities, teaching them to contribute as global citizens and to understand that the sky is the limit for their aspirations. |
Curriculum Structure
At Illogan School, we teach our subjects discreetly of one another and only link topics when a meaningful connection can be made. For each unit of work, in every foundation subject (plus science and RE), we are defining the essential learning by identifying the prior knowledge and skills, as well as the substantive and disciplinary concepts. Teachers know how units of work enable pupils to build understanding within the sequence across the school, this allows pupils to make links in their learning and revisit concepts over time.
As outlined in our Teaching and Learning policy, both formative and summative assessments provide teachers with the information needed to adapt provision to not only meet the needs of all learners but to identify where gaps may be present. This ensures that our provision is both responsive and reactive to the needs of individual cohorts.
Our pedagogical approach creates a rhythm of learning which is teacher led and enquiry based. Each unit will follow the same sequence:
Engage – Pupil’s curiosity is stimulated through a ‘hook’ or memorable experience. Teachers use this stage to assess pupils prior learning, identify and address any gaps before moving on.
Develop – Learning opportunities delve more deeply, explore concepts and acquire new knowledge. During this stage pupils will build on previously acquired skills and knowledge and make links between subjects. They will communicate their learning in a variety of ways.
Apply and Assess – Towards the end of a unit pupils will have the opportunity to consolidate their learning and apply this to a new context. Teachers will use this opportunity to assess understanding against the agreed check points.
Cultural Capital
Our aim is to enrich every child’s school experience, to be educated citizens, by creating an environment where they are encouraged to succeed and be the best they can be. Cultural capital is about preparing children with the essential knowledge and skills for what comes next. Through this journey, children develop new forms of cultural capital that makes a difference in individual mind-sets, which consequently shapes their future.
Through our curriculum, children at Illogan are exposed to enrichment opportunities which allow them to experience the awe and wonder of the world in which they live.
Our Long Term Plan
Below is our whole school Long Term Plan: