Our School

Weeth is one of the smaller schools in Camborne and this allows us to provide a close “family” atmosphere among the children, parents and staff.We work hard as a family to ensure that children not only make good progress and achieve their potential but also develop a ‘love of learning’ that goes with them when they move on to their next school.

After leaving Weeth, children transfer to one of the local secondary schools, generally Camborne International Science Academy, with whom we have excellent links and visit often throughout the year.

Our Building

Our building is light and airy with a welcoming reception. All classrooms were recently painted and refurbished and are always well presented. They are arranged to support and promote independence for our learners.

In September 2011 we had the building extended to include one new classroom and an extended services room which is used by our Learning Mentor and Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator.

In March 2017 our outside classroom was replaced by a new, much improved double classroom unit which is used by our two upper school classes.

Developing Our Love of Reading

As a school we try to promote the importance of reading and develop a love of reading from an early age.

Over the last fews years the school has invested money in the development and improvement of its library and reading resources.

Our library is open each lunchtime to enable children to come in and read a story or sit back and have a story read to them.

We consider our school library to be an excellent library that truely celebrates reading.







Our Playground and Adventure Area

We have a large, safe playground in which children are able to play happily with their friends.

Children are able to access fun resources and pieces of equipment at lunchtime to play with.

We have an adventure play area, trim trail and MUGA (Multi-Use Games Area)  which children can use at breaktimes and lunchtimes.

The Flower Garden and Outside Space

Over recent years, the children and staff have worked hard to improve the outside space. Our Gardening Group children have created a wonderful flower garden, where children can go at break and lunch time to enjoy a book or simply talk with their friends.
We also have a wonderful storytelling area where classes can go and tell stories and read books.